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Rédigé le Dimanche 18 Mars 2007 à 14:23 | Lu 1066 commentaire(s)

Suomen Psykologiliitto - Finnish Psychological Association
Bulevardi 30 B3
00120 Helsinki
Tel.+358 9 612 29166
Fax +358 9 612 29161
E -mail : tuomo.tikkanen@psyli.fi
H omepage :http://www.psyli.fi
More information about: Finland


The Finnish Psychological Association
The Finnish Psychological Association is an organization for Finnish psychologists. There are approximately 4200 licensed psychologists in Finland, 95 per cent of whom are members of The Finnish Psychological Association. In addition, there are hundreds of students of psychology who are members as well.
The Finnish Psychological Association is an advocate for the professional, financial and social benefits for psychologists. Its goal is also to educate society about psychology and to increase the use of psychology as a science.

How does the Finnish Psychological Association operate?
Even though the Association is small with only eight employees, it operates productively in a variety of ways.

The Association tries to influence authorities, such as the Finnish Parliament and Ministries, in order to advance the status of and employment opportunities for psychologists.
Through negotiations, the Association works to improve the salaries of psychologists. It is an active member of "Akava", the Central Organization of Academic Associations.
The Association promotes co-operation between psychologists by, for example, organizing supplementary training and different kinds of events.
The Association does everything in its power to help maintain a high level of professional ethics within psychology. The Association has approved the Nordic regulations on professional ethics. It has a Professional Ethics Board, and it also operates a telephone helpline on professional ethics.
Eight times a year the Association publishes the journal "Psykologi", which is the professional journal of psychologists. In addition, the Association produces various professional publications yearly.
The Association owns a publishing company that sells and develops psychological tests and organizes training activities.
The Association participates in international cooperation between psychologists, both in the Nordic Countries and within Europe. The Chairman of The Finnish Psychological Association is also currently the President of EFPPA.

Tuomo Tikkanen
Telephone: +358-9-61 22 91 66
Mobile +358-400-459 742

Secretary General
Riitta Saikkonen-Heinonen
Telephone: +358-9-61 22 91 77

Chief psychologist
Vesa Nevalainen
Telephone: +358-9-61 22 91 79

Editor of the Journal "Psykologi"
Riitta Elf
Telephone: +358-9-61 22 91 55

How does the Finnish Psychological Association operate?
Even though the Association is small with only eight employees, it operates productively in a variety of ways.

The Association tries to influence authorities, such as the Finnish Parliament and Ministries, in order to advance the status of and employment opportunities for psychologists.

Through negotiations, the Association works to improve the salaries of psychologists. It is an active member of "Akava", the Central Organization of Academic Associations.

The Association promotes co-operation between psychologists by, for example, organizing supplementary training and different kinds of events.

The Association does everything in its power to help maintain a high level of professional ethics within psychology. The Association has approved the Nordic regulations on professional ethics. It has a Professional Ethics Board, and it also operates a telephone helpline on professional ethics.

Eight times a year the Association publishes the journal "Psykologi", which is the professional journal of psychologists. In addition, the Association produces various professional publications yearly.
The Association owns a publishing company that sells and develops psychological tests and organizes training activities.

The Association participates in international cooperation between psychologists, both in the Nordic Countries and within Europe. The Chairman of The Finnish Psychological Association is also currently the President of EFPA.

Undergraduate studies in psychology
There is a separate Decree on Degrees concerning the training of psychologists. The Decree was updated in 1996.

A Master's Degree in psychology, which requires 330 EurroCredits, is needed to become a licenced psychologist.

The studies include an obligatory practical training period of about 5 months.

Earning the Master's Degree in psychology usually takes 5 to 6 years.

The candidates can apply to universities to study psychology after passing the student exam and graduating from high school. Entrance exams are mandatory, and getting admitted is difficult, because psychology is a popular field of study.

Listed below are the six Finnish universities offering training in psychology:
- University of Helsinki
- University of Jyväskylä
- University of Joensuu
- University of Tampere
- University of Turku
- Åbo Akademi (training in Swedish)

The departments of psychology at these universities work together as the Network University of Psychology called "the Psykonet". The Network cooperates both on the undergraduate and the postgraduate levels. It is unique, because there are no other university networks in Finland.

Postgraduate studies in psychology
After earning the Master's Degree, it is possible for a psychologist to study for a Doctorate in psychology, or for the less extensive scientific Licentiate's Degree.

It is also possible to earn a professional Licentiate's Degree in five different fields of application, which means taking part in specialization training at one of the universities. More information can be found in English about the specialization training on the Psykonet homepage http://www.psykonet.fi

It is also possible for psychologists to receive supplementary training outside of the universities. For example, they can study to become psychotherapists.

Approximately 60 per cent of all psychologists have taken either postgraduate studies at the universities or supplementary training elsewhere.

Status of psychologists
In Finland it is compulsory to earn the Master's Degree in psychology before working as a psychologist. After earning the degree, the psychologist must apply for and receive the permit to work as a licensed psychologist from the National Centre of Medicolegal Affairs, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

The National Centre of Medicolegal Affairs oversees the psychological practice in Finland. If there are any problems, the Centre can impose different kinds of sanctions on psychologists. In more serious cases, a psychologist can be denied the right to practice the profession.

Foreign psychologists can apply for licenses to practice the profession from the Centre. The license can only be granted, if the psychologist's training meets the Finnish training requirements. The Centre can be contacted for more information, telephone: +358-9-77 29 20.

Employment opportunities for psychologists
Approximately 160 new psychologists graduate in Finland every year. Currently 3 to 4 per cent of all Finnish psychologists are unemployed. Most of those unemployed are young psychologists who have just graduated. They often have to work at several substitute positions before getting permanent jobs. In 2005, the percentages of psychologists working in different sectors are as follows:

Municipalities 55%
State 18%
Privately employed 18%
Private practitioners and entrepreneurs 9%

Most psychologists work in health care, social welfare, schools and career counselling. Most private practitioners are psychotherapists or neuropsychologists.

Salaries of psychologists

On the state and municipal levels the average monthly salary is approximately 2700 €, while in the private sector it is approximately 3600 €. On average, psychologists working as private practitioners or entrepreneurs receive over 4000 € per month.

President ot the Associaton, Mr Tuomo Tikkanen

Source : Le site de l'organisation

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